Super Joe Software

 In PHP language, the response change with the time of the day 

It is inevitable for revenue growth online presence is necessary. Advertisement on social media can grab some customer attention, but not enough to build a lasting brand image of the company. In pursuance to build brand image, companies are hiring skilled web designers; log on to to hire professionals who would build a website for you that will attract as much organic traffic as possible. There are many available technologies to build a website, but nowadays, most professionals prefer PHP technology to build a portal. This lead to a significant rise in PHP companies.

The server resource processes the data

There are numerous reasons why developers prefer PHP technology to build websites. First, PHP is a server end scripted language, which implies the processing is done on the server-side, and the end-user receives the output. The server resource processes the data before transmitting it to the customer, which is in stark contrast to the Java script. In Java, the language is processed by using the resource of the personal computer of the client and not from the server.


The cycle of a normal web differs from a regular web request. The welcome.html code is different from welcome.php. Irrespective of the time of the day, in response to the welcome.html request, you receive “welcome”. But in PHP language, the response change with the time of the day; before noon, the response will be “Good morning”, after 12 pm, it would be “Welcome”. This exhibits the nature of welcome.html is static, and that of welcome.php is dynamic. The content of welcome.html remains unchanged, whereas PHP changes the content with the flow of time. This feature allows the developer to make the web page more dynamic than HTML.

The output content of the PHP engine is dissimilar to that of the HTML engine. PHP interprets files that are tagged between then proceeds; files tagged with PHP will only be processed; others are discarded. Of course, you can insert PHP content into HTML, but for that, you need to hire a proficient developer who knows how to do it.

PHP has other properties

Apart from being dynamic, PHP has other properties which make it a preferred language for many web developers. Compared to Java and C++, PHP is easy to learn and implement. The language is open source and free, as it is free to use web development using PHP is cost-effective. PHP has cross platform advantage, which is compatible with major operating systems such as; Windows, Linux, and Mac OSX, thus saving a lot of resource and time.

Deploying PHP is effortless and cost-effective, as many hosting companies are willing to offer server for the website. Another attractive feature that attracts many software developers to use PHP is less time to market features. Depending on the developer’s efficiency, PHP can be quite efficient, more mover it is scalable, making it reliable. Furthermore, since PHP use server resources, the loading time of webpage and server workload is considerably reduced. Thus proving a faster processing capacity, making it most useful for high traffic websites. Furthermore, PHP is one of the safest languages available in the market; hence a website or app developed with PHP is more secure.

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